Quill Falcon Cyclone for Plastisol & Powder Coating Removal

The Quill Falcon
Cyclone System
The Quill Falcon Cyclone rapidly removes tough plastisol and industrial powder coatings in seconds without the use of chemicals. Although plastisol and powder coatings can be durable and a challenge to remove, the Quill Falcon Cyclone makes short work of these coatings, cleaning and removing all residue quickly and efficiently.

Fast & Less Mess
As fast as a dry blaster, yet uses up to 70% less grit, meaning less grit to purchase, clear up and dispose of and making it better for the environment.

No Toxic Chemicals

Feathers Edges
The Quill Falcon Cyclone cleans, profiles and feathers the edges of blasted surfaces meaning newly applied coatings can stick better for longer.
Hire or buy?
You can hire or buy direct from Quill Falcon. If you are in the UK and require a free demonstration without obligation please call +44 (0) 1332 864664 or email sales@quillinternational.com to arrange a meeting. If you are an overseas customer please call our head office on +44 (0) 1332 864664 or click here to find your nearest Quill Falcon agent.