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Quill Falcon Cyclone Complete 60

Quill Falcon
Cyclone 60 Complete

The latest Quill Falcon Cyclone 60 Complete Trailer is designed for asbestos removal contractors or those customers working in hazardous environments where they have a need for combined blasting and air fed breathing apparatus. By combining blasting and breathing apparatus together on one trailer, customers can save space on site and save money and time too by not having to hire separate compressors and air breathing apparatus.

The Cyclone Complete is manufactured to compressed air breathing standard EN12021 and comprises of; a Quill Falcon Cyclone 60 capable of removing up to 20m² of coatings per hour, a 140cfm compressor providing a reliable source of high purity air for up to 3 operatives, airline breathing apparatus including Scott RAS masks and airline breathing harnesses, reserve air supply in the unlikely event of main supply failure, a control panel for monitoring individual operatives air supply for use outside the enclosure, and a large 115 litre water tank all mounted on a robust towable ball hitch trailer.

Quill Falcon Cyclone Complete 60

Height – 1600mm
Width – 2120mm
Depth – 3270mm
Unladen Weight – 1280kg
Laden Weight – 1500kg (garnet)

Water Tank
115 litres
Water Consumption
100 – 150ml per minute
Grit Type
Standard particle blast media
Grit Consumption
0.6 – 1kg per minute
Grit Refill
Up to 3 hrs between refills
Air Supply
Air Supply Hose
¾ inch
Blast Hose Size
1 inch
Blast Hose Max Length
Blasting Pressure
50 – 120psi
Compressor Fuel Tank
40 litres

No. of 25kg bags to fill vessel
Garnet – 4 bags
Iron Silicate – 3 bags
Glass – 2 bags

Weights and dimensions are based on current models in manufacture. Cyclone Trailer System laden weight = full vessel of grit and water and full tank of diesel. Consumption rates based on average dosing settings. Water consumption taken from water used at nozzle. Up to 1 litre of water per minute will be required to keep vessel pressurised. Grit and water consumption may vary according to size of compressor, dosing valve setting, size of nozzle and type of blast media used.

Hire or buy?

You can hire or buy direct from Quill Falcon. If you are in the UK and require a free demonstration without obligation please call +44 (0) 1332 864664 or email to arrange a meeting. If you are an overseas customer please call our head office on +44 (0) 1332 864664 or click here to find your nearest Quill Falcon agent.